Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Filipino Friday: Reading as a Hobby

August 19 - How did you become a reader? What factors influenced you to take up reading as a hobby and why do you enjoy it so much?

I became a reader because my grandmother told me stories. I became a reader because my mother read to me. Books and writing materials were always available at home. We were not rich, but my parents made it sure that I grew up reading. Thanks to the reading genes as well! My parents and teachers didn't have a difficult time teaching me how to read and making me love it.

In my case, when it comes to reading, nature agreed to my parents' desire to nurture a reader for life.

Peers were also a great influence in my reading habits. In grade school, I remember a classmate who was so fond of dinosaurs I showed her the dino books my mom borrowed for me in the library where she worked. By sixth grade, I was using references and non-fiction books for my projects and assignments courtesy of mom's library. It was at that time when I met Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys. To my surprise, a boy in class is a Hardy Boys fan as well! These books were the only books I borrow from our school library. In high school, more reading friends surfaced and we had mini-book talk sessions during recess and lunch. It was such a great joy to have friends whom I could share insights and feelings on books I have read. At that time, there were no blogs so I had to wait for days to connect and communicate with friends who read.

Now, as an adult, I keep in close proximity reader friends and a reading community. I also try my best to pass on to my children this love and culture for reading. I think I am successful with my daughter. My son, who is fourteen is turning out to be a challenge. I will blog on this next time since teenagers these days have different reading styles and varying tastes!